2018 大会论文题目

2018 Academic Paper

If you want to get the whole paper, please contact us (905-477-8855) or info@tcmace.com.


1.  轩辕针灸治疗慢性阻塞性肺病 COPD                            

     Xuanyuan acupuncture treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary. Disease (COPD)

             ———————————————————————————— Prof. Yifang Tian 田忆芳 医師 教授

2. 加拿安大略省中医针灸“祖辈法”的研究

    Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine “Grandparented Registration” in Ontario Canada

            ———————————————————————————— 吴滨江 教授/博导 吴琼 博士 (安大略中医学院)

3. 加拿大安大略省注冊中醫及針灸師立法後在繼續教育的研究和探討

            ———————————————————————————— 區冰玲/ 碩士研究生

4. 排温针在治疗乳腺癌上的应用

            ———————————————————————————— 加拿大郭兆起医师

5. 烧山火和透天凉手法在治疗癌症中的应用案例

            ———————————————————————————— 加拿大郭兆起医师

6. 针灸治疗间质性肺纤维化

            ———————————————————————————— 加拿大郭兆起医师

7. 针刺层次和针感控制

            ———————————————————————————— 陈德城

8. 中医補腎派对治療鼻敏感的论析

    The Discussions of Treating Allergic Rhinitis by Kidney Tonification Method in Traditional Chinese Medicine

            ———————————————————————————— 冯新伟 (安大略中医学院)

9. Acupuncture & complementary Medicine situation in IRAN


            ———————————————————————————— Amir Hooman Kazemi MD, clinical PhD, Post Doc

10. Characteristics of Chinese Scalp Acupuncture


             ———————————————————————————— Jason Jishun Hao

11. Treatment of Cerebral Palsy With Chinese Scalp Acupuncture – A Series of Cases

              ———————————————————————————— Jason Jishun Hao, Neuroacupuncture Institute, USA

12. Motion Acupuncture for Musculoskeletal Pain 

               ———————————————————————————— Decheng ChenÅ, Guanhu YangÇ, Qinhong Zhang3, Kehua Zhou4

13. Acupuncture and Lifestyle Myopia in Primary School Children—Results from a Transcontinental Pilot Study Performed in Comparison to Moxibustion

              ————————————————————————————  Luquan Chen


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