第一章:  总 则

第一条: “张缙国际中医针灸发展贡献奖”旨在奖励和宣传在国际中医药针灸领域中取得突出成就的专家学者们,及为促进国际中医药针灸发展做出重要贡献的杰出人士。
第二条: 范围以北美洲和中国为主,也包括世界各国。
第三条: “张缙国际中医针灸发展贡献奖”属社会专业力量设奖,不分等级,奖励周期为每1--2年一次,每次授奖数额不超过10位。
第五条: “张缙国际中医针灸发展贡献奖”的推荐、评审和授奖坚持公开、公平、公正的原则,力求国际社会认可、公信力强。

Chapter 1: General Principles

Article 1: The "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award'  aims to reward and publicize experts and scholars who have made outstanding achievements in the field of international TCM and Acupuncture, as well as outstanding individuals who have made important contributions to the development of international TCM and Acupuncture.
Article 2: The scope is primarily North America and mainland China, but also includes all countries in the world.
 Article 3:The "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award' is an award set by social professional forces, regardless of grade. The award cycle is once every 1-2 years,  and theamount of each award shall not exceed 10 people.
Article 4: The "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award' review committee under the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Charitable Foundation" is a permanent organization, with the award ceremony being held concurrently with the 
Article 5: The recommendation, review and awarding of the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award" adhere to the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, and strive to be recognized by the international community and have strong credibility.

第二章:  奖 励

第六条:  被授予“张缙国际中医针灸发展贡献奖”的个人,应当具备下列条件之一:

Chapter 2: Rewards

Article 6: Individuals who are awarded the "Zhang Jin International TCM  and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award" should meet one of the following conditions:

(1) Those who have achieved significant results in the clinical or scientific research of TCM and acupuncture, achieved significant social or economic benefits, and produced significant international influence.
(2) Those who have made important contributions in providing TCM and acupuncture medical services to the citizens of the host country, teaching TCM science and technology, cultivating TCM talents, and promoting the development of TCM and acupuncture legislation.
(3) Making important contributions to promoting international exchanges and cooperation in TCM and acupuncture, and playing an important role in promoting the spread of TCM and acupuncture in countries around the world, especially in North America.
Article 7: The awarding of trophies and certificates will be conducted. Trophies and certificates of honor will be awarded by the review committee and the academic conference.

第三章: 评审机构

第八条:“张缙国际中医针灸发展慈善基金会” 聘请有关专家组成“张缙国际中医针灸发展贡献奖”评审委员会,负责本奖励的评审工作,受理推荐或自荐的申报材料、联络沟通评审委员、确定安排评审形式、时间、地点等工作。在“ 加拿大注册中医师针灸师继续教育学术大会”上颁发。

Chapter 3: Review Body

Article 8: The "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Charitable Foundation" appoints relevant experts to form the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award" evaluation committee. This committee is responsible for evaluating the award, accepting recommended or self-recommended application materials, communicating with committee members, determining and arranging the review process, timing, location, and other related tasks. The award ceremony will be held at the 'Canada Acupuncture and TCM Continuing Education Conference'."
Article 9: Members of the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award" review committee must adhere strictly to high standards, ensuring realism, fairness, and rigor in their evaluations. They must prevent corruption for personal gain and prioritize the protection of intellectual property rights as well as privacy rights.

第四章: 推 荐



Chapter 4: Recommendation

Article 10: The "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award" accepts recommendations and self-recommendations from the following sources:
(1) Members of various groups of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMA) and the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibusion Societies(WFAS);
(2) Registered members of various TCM and Acupuncture bureaus that have legislated laws in various countries around the world;
(3) Chinese embassies (consulates) abroad and embassies (consulates) of various countries in China
(4) Registered practitioners of TCM and Acupuncture can self-recommend

(二)非使(领)馆渠道国外推荐的个人必须有世界中联或世界针联 2个会员联名推荐。
第十二条:  推荐本奖励必须按规定的格式和内容填写《“张缙国际中医针灸发展贡献奖”推荐书》(语言为中、英文)。
第十四条: 推荐材料报送“张缙国际中医针灸发展贡献奖”评审委员,经初筛后纳入项目库。

Article 11: Basic requirements for recommending or self-recommending the “Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award”:
(1) Individuals recommended in China who are not recommended by the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMA) or the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibusion Societies(WFAS) and embassy (consulate) channels must be recommended by national first-level societies or Chinese professional departments at or above the provincial level. Each society or provincial department must recommend only one person per session.
(2) Individuals recommended from abroad through non-embassy (consulate) channels must be jointly recommended by 2 members  of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMA) and the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibusion Societies(WFAS);
Article 12: To recommend this award, the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award" Recommendation Letter must be filled out in the prescribed format and content (languages are Chinese and English).
Article 13: The group or department recommending this award should provide true and reliable evaluation materials in accordance with regulations.
Article 14: Recommended materials shall be submitted to the review committee of the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award" and will be included in the project database after preliminary screening.

第五章: 评 审

第十五条:  “张缙国际中医针灸发展贡献奖”评审委员按以下内容进行形式审查:
第十六条: 评审“张缙国际中医针灸发展贡献奖”按贡献大小、社会公认度、国际影响力和促进中医药走向世界的作用等条件进行综合评定。

Chapter 5: Review

Article 15: The review committee of the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award" will conduct a formal review based on the following content:
(1) Whether it meets the scope of the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award";
(2) Whether all required attachments have been filled in and submitted in accordance with regulations;
(3) The authenticity of the technical content;
Article 16: The "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award" will be evaluated comprehensively based on the size of contribution, social recognition, international influence, and role in promoting TCM to the world.
Article 17:  The evaluation work adopts a two-stage system of preliminary review and final review; the preliminary review will be conducted by experts from each area of expertise within the review committee, and the final review will be completed by the collective decision of the review committee.


第十八条:对公布的获奖个人如有争议或者揭发其弊端者,必须在公布之日起 30 日内采用书面意见形式提出。

第七章:罚 则

第二十条: 团体、个人或推荐单位弄虚作假或者以不正当手段骗取“张缙国际中医针灸发展贡献奖”,一经查实,评审委员会将撤销奖励,追回荣誉证书和奖杯。

第八章: 附 则

第二十一条: 本办法由“张缙国际中医针灸发展慈善基金会”下属的 “张缙国际中医针灸发展贡献奖”评审委员会负责解释。

Chapter Six: Dispute Resolution

Article 18: They must submit written opinions within 30 days from the date of the announcement if there is any dispute about the announced award-winning individuals or if their shortcomings are exposed.
Article 19: For non-substantive disputes, the group or department that recommended this award shall be responsible for coordination, put forward handling opinions, and submit them to the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award" review committee for review; For disputes involving intellectual property and other substantive issues, the “Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award' evaluation committee will organize relevant experts to investigate and make a decision.

Chapter 7: Penalties

Article 20: If a group, individual or recommendation unit obtains the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award" through fraud or improper means, once verified, the evaluation committee will revoke the award and recover the honorary certificate and trophy.

Chapter 8: Supplementary Provisions

Article 21: These measures are interpreted by the review committee of the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award' under the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Charitable Foundation".

Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award

How to apply:
1. Please fill out the application form for the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award" carefully.
2. Email your form to markham@octcm.com

A confirmation letter will be sent to you upon the completion of your application.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 905-477-8855.

1. 请仔细填好 “张缙国际中医针灸发展贡献奖”申请表格
2. 电邮发送您的表格至 markham@octcm.com


如有任何问题与建议,请拨打 905-477-8855.

“国际中医药针灸高峰论坛”暨“2024 第 11 届加拿大注册中医师针灸师继续教育学术大会” 和



宗旨: 奖励和宣传在国际针灸领域中所取得突破成就的专家学者们,及为促进国际中医发展所做出重要贡献的杰出人士。
Mission: To reward and publicize the experts and scholars who have received achievements in the field of international TCM, and outstanding persons who have made important contributions to the development of international TCM.

范围: 以北美洲和中国大陆为主,为包括世界各国。
Scope: primarily North America and mainland China, but also includes all countries in the world.

Organization: The "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award' review committee under the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Charitable Foundation" is a permanent organization, with the award ceremony being held concurrently with the "Canada Acupuncture and TCM Continuing Education Conference".

Selection Method for "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Contribution Award"